What is your favorite movie?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Edward Scissorhands

Today I want to write about an interesting film. This film is Edward Scissorhands. I hope that most people heard a little bit about it. Most of them probably thought it was a very old movie (according to them, an old movie is one that has more than 6 years) and they doesn’t intend to watch because some years ago people didn’t do special effects or 3D. This film is 20 years old. And in my opinion, if this movie could by played now in the theaters, people would buy as many tickets as on the Avatar.
This is my favorite movie. It tells the story of a boy who has been created by the inventor. Only the inventor died before he finished the boy. He forgot to give him hands but he gave him a scissors. One day to his old and destroyed house at the top of the mountain came to him Avon consultant, who takes him to the town.
In my opinion this town look awful. Each house is in a different color, cars are in a different color, everything is in a different color and that stupid neighbors… Its strange. Edward meets there many new friends, enemies, and he also fall in love with a girl named Kim. He has also had many adventures for example breaking into the house. I can’t tell you the whole story. I will just say it was a sad end ... a very sad end...
But its a great movie. Everyone must see it! It is possible that I praised it because, as I mentioned I love Tim Burton movies.

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