What is your favorite movie?

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Dark Knight

Today I should write about a music band but I don’t want to. Anyway, I have no idea about with band I should write. When I have an idea I'll write.
But now I’ll write about the film which is titled “The Dark Knight”. This is another movie of Batman who is always running and catching criminals. This time he must catch the Joker, who rob banks, kill people, put bombs under hospitals and he is always carrying knives and in addition no one can find him. The film isn’t just about the Joker steals and kills to get rich. He wants to prove at any price that even the best man who helps people can change to a person who is going and killing because he lost a loved one. Joker succeeded and won. But Batman hasn’t allowed to that and it can’t came to light. He take all the evil upon himself and that person, nicknamed Two Face man was good and the Batman is bad. He couldn’t admit that a villain won. Although we all know that the Joker was a hundred times better and more astute than Batman.
Okay. It is about the essence of what this movie meant. If anyone hasn’t seen this movie you should watch it, of course, if you aren’t afraid of clowns :). In my opinion the best character in this movie was the Joker and Heath Ledger posthumously should get more awards for this role.

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