What is your favorite movie?

Saturday, March 27, 2010



Today I will write about some Australian band which last I’m interested in. It is called AC / DC. It was created in 1973 by brothers Angus and Malcolm Young. Most people think this band is a pioneer of hard rock music.
Interesting is the origin of the band's name. I’m sure that you saw this name on any devices or cables. I found a cable with that name behind my TV in the kitchen. So, Angus and Malcolm as they say they found that name on their sisters sewing machine and that name is going to symbolizes the energies of their group.
Some time ago I heard that is going to be their concert with would promote they new album "Black Ice". I wanted to go to Warsaw at the concert but my dad says that he don’t like that band very much and he don’t want to go there.
Injury, but sometimes life is not so nice as we think.
My favorite songs are: TNT, Highway to Hell, Hells Bells.

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