What is your favorite movie?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My film

Today I’ll write about the movie which I made with my friend. This is a movie for the English competition and of course in English language. We made it with only a small addition of decoration. We concentrated in this little film on the characterization and music. And that was not easy because How to dress (of course in our age) like Batman, The Joker or Harry Potter as much as possible to look like them? The biggest problem I had were with Joker whose role I played. The white color of paint which I had on my face, when it dried up it began to crumble. Fortunately, you can’t see it on the film: P. And I looked very strange with my green hair ...
Ok, I must stop complaining because it gets boring.
My friend Monica was dressed as Batman and Harry. She had a little easier to dress because she had to put the hat and then a batman mask and cap to the pool:)
Unfortunately, most of you will not see it, but you can watch pictures from the plan at the beginning of the post.

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