What is your favorite movie?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New moon

The volume II of Twilight is in my opinion terribly boring film. I watched it last weekend when I had nothing to do. And when I was watching it I only thought ‘When this film will ends?!’ Its very possible that I think this film is boring because I already read the book on which the movie was based. (and I don’t like the actor who played the role of Edward) I really don’t know what teenager see in this movie. Why they love Edward when he is so unrealistic and whole world in that film is unrealistic!? Do you believe in vampires and werewolves? Many kids believed in it when they seen that strange film. But I don’t believe in that stupidity and no one will tell my that Edward is handsome. But with one I will agree, the music in film was very well-chosen.

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