What is your favorite movie?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My favorite songs

Now I will show you some of my favorite songs:

  • AC/DC - Thunderstruck


  • Kiss - Forever


  • Guns N' Roses - Welcome to the jungle


  • Ozzy Osbourne - Dreamer


  • Nirvana - Come as you are


Of course there are much more but I just don’t want to bore you with watching thousands of music videos. Today I will show you only 5 songs :)

New moon

The volume II of Twilight is in my opinion terribly boring film. I watched it last weekend when I had nothing to do. And when I was watching it I only thought ‘When this film will ends?!’ Its very possible that I think this film is boring because I already read the book on which the movie was based. (and I don’t like the actor who played the role of Edward) I really don’t know what teenager see in this movie. Why they love Edward when he is so unrealistic and whole world in that film is unrealistic!? Do you believe in vampires and werewolves? Many kids believed in it when they seen that strange film. But I don’t believe in that stupidity and no one will tell my that Edward is handsome. But with one I will agree, the music in film was very well-chosen.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I’m sure that everyone of you heard a little bit about that music band.
Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons created it in 1973. They play hard rock music but they also have slow songs. My favorites are Forever, Calling Dr. Love, God gave Rock N’ Roll to you, Detroit rock city and I was made for loving you. They are really great! Something special about this band is that everyone, even the drummer can sing. They haven’t got the main singer but in most of the songs sing Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons. The characteristic thing of them is that they always put a make up on their faces when they are on the concert.
For example:
Paul Stanley – The StarchildGene Simmons – The Demon Tommy Thayer – The Spaceman Peter Criss – Catman I don’t care that that music band is a little bit old and I really like them.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Nightmare Before Christmas

I watched this film 2 weeks ago and I really enjoy it. This movie was made by ma favorite film director – Tim Burton. He made it before (in my opinion) one of his best film – Edward Scissorhands. This movie tell the story about Jack, who live in town whose name is “Halloween”. The main character (Jack) don’t like the place where he live and one day he gone to forest. He found there a door to another town – “Christmas”. When he came back he wish he can make a Christmas in his strange town and he did it. But the holiday not goes as it should be. That’s enough about the plot. This film is very similar to another Tim Burton’s movie – Corpse Bride. In my opinion this is a very good film.

Iron Man 2

Today I will write about film that I watched last Saturday. Title of that film is Iron Man II.
In my opinion it’s very good movie. Probably I think that because I watched it after long way to home from Prague. I have been sitting in bus for 10 hours, then I drank 2 coffee. After that I really needed action film with good music. And this film was just so.
Main character was played by Robert Downey Jr. There were also people like Scarlet Johanson, Gwyneth Paltrow and Samuel L. Jackson. I don’t have to write here whole plot of movie, because I think that many of you know it.

If I have to watch it again I would do it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Danny Elfman

I’m sure that most of you don’t know who he is. But don’t worry, I will tell you. He is one of the best creators of film music.
Because as everyone knows a movie without music is not a film.
He composed music to films such as: Alice in Wonderland, Spider-Man 2, Batman, Ghostbusters 2, Man in Black, Hellboy, Planet of the Apes, Sleepy Hollow, Edward Scissorhands, The Simpsons and much more. When I was bored I counted them about 100!
He isn’t only composing music but he is also adding his voice to films. For example, in “Charlie and The Chocolade Factory” he gave voice to Oompa Loompa. It was a small dwarf who sang and worked at the factory;)
He wrote the music for all films made by Tim Burton, but not to Ed Wood and Sweeney Todd.
In my opinion his best song is “Ice Dance” from Edward Scissorhands and “Alice Thame” from Alice in Wonderland.